

More and more friends include Cheatham County Community Theater in their charitable giving every year. These contributions range from $35 to more than $15,000 and help meet the theater’s annual budget not covered by ticket sales. Every gift helps!
Your tax-deductible gift will help us to;
* Produce Outstanding Theater
* Sustain New Play Development Efforts
* Foster New Education Programs
* Sustain many outreach and special access programs

Every dollar is critical to our success!
To learn more about Individual Giving at Cheatham County Community Theater, or to become a Donor, please contact the Development Office at (615) 259-2001.


Why Should Corporations/Foundations Give to Cheatham County Community Theater?

Promotion, Advertising, Visibility: Your logo and information about your company can be prominently displayed in publications, programs, lobby plaques, posters, banners, and the Cheatham County Community Theater web site.

Corporate Entertaining: The sponsorship of a performance, series, or educational program will include prime complimentary tickets and the opportunity to entertain in our lobby.

Employee Benefits: Your employees receive special discounts to Theater Series performance by showing their ID at the box office, if the corporation contributes $1,500 or more. The VIP ticket service provides priority seating to all events for your executives and their clients.

Public Relations: Identify your company with the image of excellence, creativity, diversity, and community service which Cheatham County Community Theater represents.

Quality of Life: An investment in the community involves supporting its important institutions, which provide unique, high quality programs to your constituency.

To learn more about Corporate Giving at Cheatham County Community Theater
contact us at (615) 259-2001